Book Review by Michael Green
Ferrier is the nom de plume of Ian Williams, a British physician/artist who founded the Graphic Medicine website devoted to
the growing field of comics and medicine ("
Read the full review by Michael Green at BMJ Medical Humanities
Comics from the dark side of medicine: Thom Ferrier's Disrepute
"Thom Ferrier's new collection of graphic narratives, Disrepute, was recently published by Graphic Medicine Press. While the book may not be easy to find, it is well worth the effort. But
be forewarned: this doctor-centric collection is neither the melodrama of Rex Morgan M.D. nor the droll silliness of New Yorker
cartoons. In Ferrier's capable hands, the doctor's dark, angry and
complicated inner world emerges. His comics are full of
the stuff that doctors think about
privately but do not dare say in public. It is about the insecurities
that come with being
uncertain, the exhaustion of being on
the receiving end of others’ constant expectations, and the dark
thoughts that (some)
doctors have about death and dying. In
short, it is about life itself, written and drawn by someone who has
seen and experienced
a fair slice of it as an experienced
rural general practitioner.
Read the full review by Michael Green at BMJ Medical Humanities